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Puppy Vaccination Schedule

Repeated appointments for your puppy's vaccines can seem inconvenient, but our Pleasant Hill vets firmly believe that following the vaccination schedule below is the best way to help protect your pup's health now and throughout their lifetime.

Why Puppy Vaccinations Are Important

Vaccinations are an important part of your dog's preventative health care. Starting with puppy immunizations and then continuing with booster injections throughout maturity provides your canine companion the best chance of living a long and healthy life.

Maintaining a schedule for routine vaccinations for your dog could also save you time and money since treatment for the diseases prevented by these vaccines can be time-consuming and very expensive.

Which Shots Does My Puppy Need

The vaccines recommended for dogs in the Pleasant Hill area include immunizations to help protect against bordetella, distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, and rabies.

Your veterinarian will be able to recommend the shots which are most appropriate for your dog based on your pet's age, where you live, and your dog's lifestyle.

Puppy Vaccine Schedule & Adult Booster Shots

Your vet can help you to determine the best deworming and vaccination schedule for your young pup, but below we provide our recommended schedules for getting your puppy's shots and your adult dog's booster vaccines.  By following these schedules we believe that you are giving your four-legged family member their very best chance at a long and healthy life. 

Puppy Shots Schedule

6 - 8 Weeks

  • *DHPP Shot 1
  • Bordatella
  • Leptospira
  • Lyme
  • Influenza Virus-H3N8
  • Influenza Virus-H3N2

10 - 12 Weeks

  • Influenza Virus-H3N8
  • Influenza Virus-H3N2
  • DHPP Shot 2
  • Leptospira
  • Lyme
  • Rabies

14 - 16 Weeks

  • DHPP Shot 3

Adult Dog Vaccine Schedule


  • Bordetella
  • Leptospira
  • Lyme
  • Rabies
  • Influenza Virus-H3N8
  • Influenza Virus-H3N2

Every 3 Years

  • DHPP Booster
  • Rabies

*DHPP: this vaccine protects against Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus.

Age Restrictions

Consult your veterinarian to learn more about which immunizations are appropriate for your dog. All vaccinations are ineligible for very young puppies and senior dogs with impaired immune systems.

Possible Vaccine Side Effects

Dog vaccines are considered very safe and few dogs experience side effects. Those that do typically experience very mild reactions.

However, in rare situations, some dogs may experience an adverse reaction to their vaccinations. This is usually due to a reaction to a single component in a certain vaccine. Some chemicals cause different reactions in different breeds.

Breeds including German shepherds, collies, and some sheepdogs are known to be sensitive to individual vaccines. Your veterinarian will skip any vaccines that contain ingredients that your dog may be sensitive to.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is it time for your puppy's shots? Contact Diablo View Veterinary Hospital today to book a vaccine appointment for your adorable new family member.

New Patients Welcome

Diablo View Veterinary Medical Hospital is accepting new patients! Our experienced veterinarians are passionate about the health of Pleasant Hill companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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